Peace Blog!

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions of Peace’. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are the ‘universal peace sign’, a circle with a line through it and two lines coming out of that line. There is also the dove. 

These symbols represent peace because the universal peace sign is know for a simple way to say ‘spread peace, stop war’. The dove is known as a calm, peaceful animal, representing peace. 

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because the trees and the park represent calmness, and the sun is the ‘universal peace sign’, which I explained before. 

We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about Lionel Messi I thought this person was a champion of peace because he had been donating and founding to the children’s hostipal and children’s care.

We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 


I enjoyed learning about peace because it expanded my knowledege on how you can make the world a better place. 

I learnt that peace is a state of mind, a happy one, and when you apply peace and meditation to your everyday life, you will be more fuffiled.  

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by spreading and influencing peace in my everyday life. 

Do you have any ways to promote peace?


Poor Pollution!

Hi, today I’m going to show you one of my reading creates from this week. In this post, I will show you some of the ways you can stop pollution in your school. These include picking up your rubbish during lunch, cleaning up your hub before you leave and not to throw rubbish in natural wildlife’s home. I also named all of the plastic identification codes, which are used to identify the plastic so they don’t throw it in the wrong places.

Have you ever picked up some rubbish you found laying on the ground?

Perfect Poems!

Hi, today I am going to show you my writing for this week. This week we were told to make a ‘limerick’, which is a short, funny poem which consists of five lines. The first, second and fifth line rhyme, and the third and fourth rhyme as well. 1,2, and 5 can have 7-9 syllables, and 3 and 4 can have 5-6. Here is mine.

Next, I made a ‘biographical poem’, which is a poem that describes and portrays you or another person. Here it is:

  1. Zam
  2. Funny, Short, Jokey, Quiet
  3. Hockey, Gaming
  4. Family, Pets
  5. Dark, Heights
  6. Is Bigfoot real?
  7. More wishes
  8. MW2 (Modern Warfare 2)
  9. Mad, Happy
  10. Game
  11. Villaruel

What’s your favourite poem?

Great Geometry!

Hi, today I am going to show you my maths create. For this week, we were told to make a symmetrical floor pattern. ‘Symmetry’ means the same thing on both sides facing each other, kind of like a mirror. The shape I designed here was meant to consist of 6 shapes, each with their own individual colour. For this shape, I used a quad arrow, a circle, diamonds, bent ovals, squares and donuts. The pattern I have provided down below looks the same symmetrical and rotated.

What’s your favourite shape?

Bold Boot Camp!

Hi, today I am going to show you my reading for this week. This week, we were told to assign and review the text ‘Boot Camp’. At the top, I screenshotted paragraphs from the text that stood out to me and were vital to the story line and development of the characters. Below is my thoughts on why the author wrote the book (presumably to inform the readers on how you can overcome your past). Also, there is a paragraph on the relationships in the text (how the different character communicate and live with each other).

Beneath is a prediction to what could happen after the man said, “You need us, Joey,”

Have you ever read ‘Boot Camp’?

Perfect Poetry!

Kia ora,


Over the first few weeks of Term 3 we have been reading and writing all different types of poetry. Please enjoy reading my poetry.

List Poems: I discovered that a list poem is a poetic form that presents ideas, images, or emotions through a series of items or descriptions. It was interesting too write and develop this, as it required entertaining adjectives and specific nouns for the 4 lines. Here is a list poem I made: 

Football, fun and enjoyable with friends, Soccer, fast and breathtakingly fun, Rugby, difficult and has aerodynamic rugby balls, Hockey, quick and dangerously entertaining.

Limericks: I learned that a limerick is a humorous five-line poem with a distinctive rhyme scheme and a bouncy rhythm. I also learned that includes 5 lines, with line 1,2 and 5 rhyming and 3 and 4 rhyming as well. I enjoyed thinking of the unusual words and nouns required to rhyme at the end of the poems. Here is a limerick poem I made: 

  1. Once during the nightly fall,
  2. While I was playing basketball,
  3. A bear let out a roar,
  4. And took a shot from his paw!
  5. Swish! Three-pointer from down hall!

Biographical Poetry:  

  1. Zam
  2. Funny, Short, Fast, Quiet
  3. Hockey, Gaming
  4. Family, Relatives
  5. Dark, Heights
  6. Is the moon landing real?
  7. More wishes
  8. MW2 (Modern Warfare 2)
  9. Mad, Sad,
  10. Game
  11. Villaruen

Over the last two weeks we wrote and developed poems, each with it’s own story and structure. 

I really enjoyed thinking of the entertaining nouns and adjectives I could use. 

I found it hard to write and develop some of the poems, as they really didn’t make sense at first. 

It surprised me that some of the poems were quite simple, as the others were quite difficult. 

I wondered if developing a new structure of poems was a simple or time-consuming task.

What is something new you learned about poetry from my blog?


Sharp Science!

Hi, today I am going to show you what I’ve done for science this week. We started science two weeks ago and were told to make a working light, with the help of play-dough, wires and batteries. You need to connect two wires to the battery, connect the other side of the wires, each to their individual lump of play-dough. Then, you connect a wire (which are both connected to form one wire) into a lightbulb. This should make it light up.

Play Dough Light:

Hypothesis: Using the materials and instructions provided, I believe that the light will light up.

Experiment: I connected two wires into a battery, then connected the ends of those wires into their each individual lump of play dough. Then, I connected another pair of wires (into their each own lump of play dough) and connected those two wires to the light. Transferring the energy from the battery through the play dough and into the light.

Conclusion: Just as my hypothesis predicted, using the instructions and materials worked, and I was able to power a small light.

Something I found interesting during this learning was the fact that electricity can transfer the unusual lumps of play dough. Something I found challenging was finding a battery that was able to connect to the light, as some of them didn’t have enough power to transfer. 

Do you know how this works?

Magnificent Midwinter Breakfast!

Hi, today I am going to show you my maths for this week. This week, we were assigned to create a graph showing the outcome of spinning a wheel (which has 4 outcomes on it) 45 times. The four options were Hot Chocolate (HC), Sausage Sizzle (Ss), Hot Cakes (Hc) and Porridge (P). We also had to make statements explaining what we noticed and the probability of getting each of the items. One of the statements I made was ‘Hot Chocolate is the most common, with 14 rolls.’ I made this statement because it was true, and also because it was important – who would care if I just said ‘Hot Chocolate was an option’?

What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?

Perfect Porridge Poster!

Hi, today I am going to show you a poster I made to promote the Porridge play, being preformed in Term 3, Week 5! The Porridge play, written by Craig Hawes, is a fun and entertaining play which involves multiple fairy tales wrapped into a hilarious musical. We started auditions at the start of Term 2, where we had heaps of people auditioning for roles, whether major or minor.

What’s your favourite play?

Notable Narrative!

Hi, today I am going to show you my writing for this week. For this week, I was told to make a narrative rewriting a famous fairy tale. This can either be the same characters but a different story, same story but different characters (what I did) or just including the characters in your story. The text I chose was ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, and the story I made basically follows the same story line as the original fairy tale.

Here is the link:

What is your favourite fairy tale?